“I really loved this program and I felt so lucky to have had the opportunity to really get a good feel for the treatments with “live” clients. I so enjoyed meeting everyone. The class, teachers and both you and Tinesja are so inspirational! So thank you!”

“Training was just first class! Congratulations – I didn’t think I would get through those hours but we all just got on a roll. Thanks so much again for the very well run course also for feeding us so well too. I felt very prepared for my job. Have been getting happy client comments too.”
“Regarding the colonics we learned from your school, it was really a step up move to my new career here in Canada, thanks to you, Tinesja, and to our teachers, who patiently taught us so well. As a matter of fact, I did one colonics yesterday to a patient and another one this afternoon to another patient and it all went so smoothly. And my employer was confident that I can handle more than enough so she book more patients in the coming days for colonics. Yahoo!! I miss my classmates and also the great food you daily served to us.”

“The course was just great. Thank you very much for sharing all your experience and dedication. I was very satisfied and I will recommend this course to all my peers who would like to practice Colon Hydrotherapy.”
“An excellent course. I could not have gained the skill and confidence without this expert training.”

“This is an excellent course. It provided me with very powerful tools I can use to detoxify and improve the quality of health in my patients.”
“Very good coverage on all subjects with a multitude of very useful information. Overall a great place with good, vibrant energy. I was very pleased with the course and will recommend it to others whenever the opportunity presents.”

Continuing Education at Constantly Higher Levels
A Letter from a former Student
I have been in the medical field, traditional and complimentary, for over 30 years. In all of my educational travels from certifications to degrees, I finally arrived in the field of colon hydrotherapy almost 6 years ago. It has become my answer to the why and how of all illness and disease problems. Quickly becoming my passion, I opened my wellness-detoxification center in June of 2005. After having several problems with colon hydrotherapy equipment, my research lead me to the Aquanet machine developed by Prime Pacific Health Innovations (PPHIC). I was very impressed with its features and its reputation. I visited a center in my area and watched the Aquanet in operation and fell in love with the “Cadillac” of all machines. Despite the increase in cost, I ordered 2 of them and have never regretted this decision for a moment. Not only was I impressed with the superior features on the Aquanet, but every one of my clients, past and present, had a comment on the smooth workings and fills provided by my new equipment. The fills were much more gentle thanks to the gravity feature and the releases were more thorough and less crampy. I have seen my client numbers increase dramatically since the installation of the Aquanet machines.
In addition to the purchase of the Aquanet machines, I decided to take the course in Vancouver Canada. Despite all of my prior education, I am a firm believer in continuing education at constantly higher levels and new concepts. Even with my 30 years of experience and education, I was thrilled and impressed by the education provided by the course. It began with my receipt of a 280 page manual to study prior to my arrival for the 6 day program in October. This manual is now my “bible” for colon hydrotherapy. This is something that will continue to assist me throughout my career. The ND’s that taught us were exceptional, not only in their education, knowledge and presentation, but in their care and concern for each and every one of the 12 students. There was not a day that I did not learn something new, develop an old idea or have a fresh twist put onto old education. Even the grueling hours of 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. for 6 days were not a problem due to the level of instruction and care given. We had students from Africa, Greece, China, Canada and the US which made the class even more interesting and fun. We quickly became known as the “Wild and Wonderful” class of 2005. That we WERE! Each student came with a passion, not only to learn and serve, but to teach and continue to assist every client to a higher level of health and wellness. Each of the 12 students was a unique and talented person with a gift for healing.
The instructors at PPHIC, Tinesja, Elizabeth and Elena, were also exceptional. Each one of these instructors provided a very thorough explanation and demonstration of a colon hydrotherapy session. Along with this instruction, they each gave us an individual passion and love of the field and their clients along with their own methods and preferences of different cleansing products, techniques and strategies for giving a complete and relaxing session. Again, I felt that I learned every day from these therapists some new material to use as different situations arise with clients. It not only became a time for learning, but a time for sharing, laughing, coaching, and appreciating the many qualities of each and every student and instructor.
When I left for Canada, I knew that I was a very good colon hydro therapist and that I had many years of knowledge and education. I have returned to my practice an EXCEPTIONAL colon hydrotherapist with much more passion, compassion, skills, knowledge and a deeper love of my career and my center. I truly believe that PPHIC provides not only the “CADILLAC” of colon hydrotherapy machines, but I believe it also provides a quality of education for past, present and future colon hydro therapist that is second to none!!!! My time and money spent for both the machines and the course was well worth every penny and MORE!!!
I would like to take a moment to express my deepest thanks and care to the teachers: Delmar, Rita, Tinesja, Elizabeth, Elena, Patricia Baird, Dr. Sanjay Mohan, Dr. Heather Eade and Dr. Jonn Matsen. You have touched my life and my career with knowledge, skill and care. I will carry this with me and pass it on to each and every client I work with and instruct.
Jackie Noah
Jackie Noah, is a professional Colon Hydrotherapist with extensive experience. She owns and operates her own business, Journey to Health in Georgia.